Star Trek: Armada is a surprisingly deep RTS with multiple systems that provide for some interesting scenario.

Thus ensues a whirlwind journey across multiple campaigns (and playable races) involving a Klingon Civil War instigated by the Romulans and a conflict between the Borg and the Romulans over stable omega particles. After saving the federation ship from Borg attack, the captain (Thaddeus Demming) hails the Enterprise revealing that it is from the future and has come back to stop a Borg invasion. During the attack a wormhole opens depositing two Borg spheres and a federation (U.S.S. Enterprise protecting an under-construction outpost from dominion attack. The story begins shortly after the end of the dominion war with Captain Picard and the crew of the U.S.S.

It is similar in gameplay to Homeworld minus any of the 4X elements. Star Trek: Armada is a real-time strategy game set in the Next Generation version of the Star Trek universe.